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Daily Maintenance of Construction Waste Mobile Crushing Station

? The construction waste mobile crushing station is widely used in the civilization construction. They are normally divided as following: mobile crushers, mobile crushing plant and mobile pulverizer. The construction waste mobile crushing station always processes the cement block containing the scrap steel, wire line and some other steel parts. It will be harmful to the equipment. Therefore, after equipping these machines with high quality spare parts, the frequency maintenance is essential.

  For the crushers, the bearing is the key to running well. A better lubrication system is good for the bearing lifespan. And it also affects the machine’s lifespan. Therefore, the lubrication oil must be clean. And the sealing is good. The bearing must be rustproof and moisture-proof.

  When we examine and repair, we should check if the connecting parts is complete, fastened and in good condition. The cable wire and operation line must lay well. We must make sure every part of the equipment is clean, and change the spare parts frequency.

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